Adrian Paci. Lives In Transit at Jeu de Paume, Paris

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Dal 26 febbraio fino al 12 maggio, Adrian Paci sarà in mostra al Jeu de Paume, a Parigi, con differenti suoi lavori (video, installazioni, dipinti, fotografie, sculture), dal 1997, presentando le numerose interconnessioni che operano tra questi differenti media e i significati di espressione. Nel 1997, Paci, scappo’ dall’Albania per trovare rifugio, con la sua famiglia in Italia. Al suo arrivo, abbandono’ temporaneamente la pittura e la scultura in favore del video, esplorando così nuovi linguaggi cinematici. Accanto ad una selezione dei primi lavori dell’artista (Albanian Stories, 1997; Home to go, 2001; Piktori, 2002; Vajtojca, 2002), la mostra dal titolo Adrian Paci. Lives In Transit, presenterà The Encounter (2011), Inside the Circle (2011) and The Column (2013), un progetto creato appositamente per l’occasione.


From February 26 until May 12th, Adrian Paci will be at the Jeu de Paume, Paris, with an exhibition that gathers extremely diverse works (videos, installations, paintings, photographs and sculptures) made since 1997 and shows the numerous interconnections that operate between these different media and means of expression. In 1997, Adrian Paci escaped violent riots in Albania to take refuge, with his family, in Italy. On his arrival in the country, he temporarily abandoned painting and sculpture in favor of video, thus exploring new cinematic languages. Along with a selection of early works (including Albanian Stories, 1997; Home to go, 2001; Piktori, 2002; Vajtojca, 2002), the exhibition Adrian Paci. Lives In Transit presents recent pieces, including The Encounter (2011), Inside the Circle (2011) and The Column (2013), a project created specifically for this show.

 Jeu de Paume