Cylandfest: Russian International festival for cybernetic art, St. Petersburg

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Dal 23 al 28 novembre a San Pietroburgo (Russia) si terrà il Cyberfest, il festival internazionale dell’arte cibernetica che si tiene annualmente dal 2007. Il tema di quest’anno è ‘Alle porte del Paradiso’. Il festival ospiterà piu’ di 80 artisti da 20 paesi nel mondo. Il programma include: una espozione di installazioni multimediali, performance live, screening video, un calendario di talk e workshops, concerti e una conferenza sul mondo di Internet. In particolare il programma di proiezioni presenterà: «Way Up», curato da Viktoria Ilyushkina e «Cross-Over» un programma speciale sulla videoarte brasiliana curato da Miguel Petchkovsky Morais (Brasil–Netherland).


From November 23 to 28 CYBERFEST 2012 will take place in St. Petersburg. CYBERFEST is the first and only Russian International festival for cybernetic art (which combines living, biological and somatic substances with computational and technical), held annually since 2007.This year’s theme is «AT HEAVEN’S DOOR» and  the festival is attended by more than 80 artists and art professionals from 20 countries and the program includes: an exhibition (of media objects and media installations);  live performances; sound and video art programs; an educational program (with lectures, workshops, master classes); an Internet conference; a concert. The screening programme in particular will present: «Way Up», video program curated by Viktoria Ilyushkina «Cross-Over» and special program on Brazil video art curated by Miguel Petchkovsky Morais (Brasil–Netherland).
